My Projects
List of my projects that I have done and currently working on.
Racing Games
Racing Games is a Game Simple that I created using Javascript, Coffe, and HTML. This is my first project using Coffe. I created this project to learn more about Coffe. You can see the source code of this project on my github account or preview the project by clicking the button below.
Other Note Worthy Projects
Racing Games
Racing Games is a game created using javascript and coffe. This game is inspired by HTML5 racing.
What Music Identify
My second javascript web project. This project is a what music identify that I created using Javascript, and ExpressJS.
Kurumi WhatsApp Bot
WhatsApp Bot is an automatic program that can interact with users on the WhatsApp platform. This bot can provide automatic responses based on input and requests received, such as helping solve common problems, providing information, providing customer support, and even carrying out business transactions.
Image Search Tools
This image search tool application is inspired by Pinterest, created using Javascript, ExpressJS, Pinterest API, and JQuery
NGL Spammer
My first project. This project is a for fun and spam inbox user ngl. The website is built mainly using Javascript and node-fetch.
ALL Downloader
This is a project that I was serious about but since 2023 I stopped running it because space was so limited, I made it using Javascript, Pug, CSS, ExpressJS and API
Kisah Nabi Website
Kisah nabi website, created using javascript and for database using json.
Quotes Anime Generator
Quotes anime generator this is website for fun. This web is created using ReactJS
My First Portofolio Website
My first portofolio website that i created using HTML, CSS, and Javascript. This website is the reason why i learn web development.